Outdoor Signage Trends for 2024: Exploring the Future of Design and Innovation

3D Signs and Designs

Welcome to the world of three-dimensional signage, where creativity knows no bounds. In 2024, we will witness a continued surge in the popularity of 3D signs and designs for outdoor signage trends. This trend captivates businesses and consumers alike due to the power of depth and dimension.

Traditional signage is evolving, and the introduction of 3D elements has revolutionized the visual landscape of outdoor advertising. These signs transcend flat surfaces, incorporating raised letters or shapes that pop out and demand attention. By integrating these visually striking 3D elements, businesses can captivate their audience with signage that not only captures attention but also creates a lasting impression. A meticulously designed 3D sign goes beyond merely conveying information; it acts as an immersive visual experience that draws people in.

Consider this: You're strolling along a busy city street, surrounded by an array of storefronts vying for your attention. Among them stands a business with a bold, three-dimensional sign that literally leaps out at you. This visual uniqueness sets it apart from the rest, engraving its brand identity into your memory. That's the power of 3D signs. They establish a distinctive presence in the cluttered landscape of outdoor advertising.

Imagine a restaurant with a 3D sign that features raised elements embodying the shape of a steaming hot bowl of soup or a sizzling grill. These tangible, lifelike features immediately evoke an appetite-stimulating effect on passersby, drawing them towards the establishment without saying a word. It's not just about conveying information; it's about creating an experience.

Think of 3D signs as captivating portals into the identity, essence, and offerings of businesses. They serve as architectural elements in the public space, engaging viewers in a tactile and visual conversation that leaves a lasting impression.

As a local signage company, we pride ourselves on harnessing the potential of 3D signs to increase outdoor advertising for our clients. Our portfolio showcases an array of creative and impactful 3D signage designs tailored to help businesses stand out amidst the competitive outdoor advertising landscape.

Venturing further into the realm of outdoor signage trends reveals that embracing the allure of three-dimensional designs offers businesses an unparalleled opportunity to make a striking impact in their marketing endeavors.

The Rise of Digital and Interactive Signage

Imagine walking down a bustling street and seeing billboards come alive with vibrant displays that change before your eyes. That's the power of digital and interactive signage. Instead of static images or words, imagine advertisements that can be updated in real-time, showing different offers throughout the day or week. This new form of outdoor advertising is dynamic and engaging, providing businesses with an exciting platform to capture the attention of passersby.

Digital signage goes beyond traditional static displays by offering a multitude of benefits. Imagine being able to schedule different messages to appear at specific times of the day, or instantly update content across multiple locations without having to physically change any materials. These innovations provide businesses with flexibility and agility, allowing them to tailor their message to different demographics, promotions, and seasonal themes, all with a modern touch.

Interactivity takes this even further, transforming passive viewers into active participants. Through touchscreens, motion sensors, or even QR code interactions, pedestrians become engaged with the advertisement, creating a memorable and personalized experience. This two-way communication opens doors for businesses to gather valuable data and insights from their audience, enabling them to refine their marketing strategies and deliver more targeted content.

Consider a scenario where a clothing store uses digital signage to showcase its latest collection. With interactivity, passersby can use touchscreen displays to mix and match different outfits virtually before they even step into the store. This not only captures attention but also creates a memorable experience that increases the likelihood of potential customers visiting the shop.

As a local signage company, we understand the significance of customizable digital signage solutions. We offer businesses the ability to harness this trend for effective outdoor communication. Our goal is to empower businesses with the tools they need to create captivating and relevant content that resonates with their target audience.

In an age where attention spans are shorter than ever, digital and interactive signage offers an innovative way for businesses to stand out from the crowd and capture the interest of their audience.

Now, let's delve into the technological marvel that is revolutionizing outdoor signage, LED backlighting.

LED Backlighting: A Step Towards Innovation

Outdoor Signage Trends for 2024

Imagine strolling through a lively street at night and spotting a vibrant, glowing sign that instantly captures your attention. Chances are, it's powered by LED backlighting, a game-changing innovation in outdoor signage. LED technology has revolutionized the way businesses showcase their brand and messaging, offering several advantages over traditional lighting options that make it an attractive choice for modern outdoor signage.

LED backlighting provides energy-efficient illumination, not only reducing operational costs for businesses but also contributing to environmental sustainability. The energy-saving nature of LED technology aligns with the growing emphasis on eco-conscious practices in business operations. By adopting LED backlighting in outdoor signage, companies can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability while reaping the benefits of lower energy consumption and reduced environmental impact.

For instance, a local coffee shop that chooses to illuminate its outdoor sign with LED backlighting not only achieves a visually striking display but also aligns with the values of its environmentally conscious customer base. The glow from the LED-lit sign creates an inviting ambiance while highlighting the business's commitment to energy efficiency, an impactful statement that resonates with patrons walking by.

Furthermore, LED technology allows for vibrant lighting that significantly enhances visibility, especially during the evening hours. The powerful illumination provided by LEDs ensures that outdoor signs remain prominent and legible even in low-light conditions. This increased visibility contributes to enhanced brand exposure and effective communication of marketing messages, ultimately driving customer engagement and foot traffic for businesses.

To put it simply, incorporating LED backlighting into outdoor signs is like having a spotlight on your business. It ensures that your message shines brightly and captures the attention of potential customers amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life.

As a forward-thinking local signage company, we specialize in integrating LED backlighting into our outdoor signage solutions. By harnessing the visual impact and energy-efficient qualities of LED technology, we empower businesses to create captivating displays that stand out and make a lasting impression. With LED backlighting, outdoor signage becomes more than just a static display, it transforms into a dynamic, attention-grabbing beacon that draws people in and communicates brand identity effectively.

In the fast-evolving landscape of outdoor signage technology, durability and adaptability are cornerstones for sustained brand visibility and impact. Let's now shift our focus to exploring how protective materials and environmental adaptation play crucial roles in ensuring longevity and resilience for outdoor signs.

Protective Materials and Environmental Adaptation for Durability

When dealing with outdoor signage, durability becomes crucial. Rain, snow, heat, and UV rays can all exact a toll on signage if it's not equipped to withstand them. In 2024, the focus has shifted towards advanced materials and coatings that offer increased weather resistance and UV protection, ensuring longevity and visual appeal.

The use of high-quality materials takes center stage in ensuring durability. Advanced composite materials have become the go-to choice in outdoor signage fabrication due to their exceptional strength-to-weight ratio and resistance to environmental stressors. These materials are not only robust but also lightweight, making installation easier while maintaining durability.

Advanced techniques also involve the application of specialized coatings, which now have become a standard practice. These coatings offer a protective shield that safeguards the signage against moisture, UV radiation, and temperature variations. For instance, anti-graffiti coatings are being widely employed to repel paint, markers, and other forms of vandalism, thereby preserving the aesthetic appeal of the signage.

Another key trend is the adaptation of signage designs to harmonize with their surroundings for seamless integration. The objective is to ensure that the signage not only withstands environmental challenges but also complements its setting, whether urban or natural. This involves a thoughtful approach to design that considers color schemes, architectural styles, and landscape elements.

For example, in urban environments, signage designs are curated to align with modern architectural aesthetics and urban vibrancy. This can involve sleek metallic finishes, clean lines, and contemporary fonts that seamlessly blend with their metropolitan surroundings. Conversely, in natural settings such as parks or scenic spots, signage designs embrace earthy tones, organic shapes, and eco-friendly materials to complement the landscape without compromising durability.

As a local signage company committed to delivering superior outdoor signage solutions, we prioritize the strategic amalgamation of high-quality materials and weather-resistant designs. By integrating these advanced techniques into our processes, we ensure that our outdoor signage not only withstands the elements but also maintains its visual impact over time. Our dedication to durability goes hand in hand with our vision to enhance the visual landscape of our community through long-lasting signage solutions.

In essence, the evolution of outdoor signage trends in 2024 reflects a holistic approach towards durability and environmental adaptation. It underscores the synergy between cutting-edge materials, protective coatings, and design integration for lasting visual impact in diverse outdoor settings.

Having explored the advancements in protective materials and environmental adaptation for durable outdoor signage solutions, let's now shift gears to delve into the exciting realm of "Visual Trends in Sign Colors and Shapes".

Visual Trends in Sign Colors and Shapes

In 2024, the world of outdoor signage is undergoing a visual revolution. Businesses are no longer satisfied with blending into the background; they want to captivate attention, making bold statements through their branding. This pursuit has led to a surge in the use of vibrant and contrasting colors that create truly eye-catching signage, almost wresting attention from the surrounding environment.

Instead of sticking to safe, neutral colors that blend in, businesses are embracing bold, daring choices that add an element of surprise to their outdoor signage. This not only helps in attracting attention but also conveys confidence and modernity. Whether it's a bright pop of pink against a monochrome backdrop or a striking combination of contrasting hues, these color schemes help businesses stand out and make a lasting impression on potential customers.

Consider a sleek black and vibrant yellow contrast that's used for signage in front of an industrial building. This powerful combination grabs attention without being too loud or overwhelming.

Furthermore, traditional rectangular sign shapes are gradually becoming passé. Businesses are now exploring unconventional shapes, from asymmetrical designs to free-form structures, as a means of breaking away from conventions and creating a unique visual presence.

This openness to experimentation showcases a newfound desire for creativity and distinction in outdoor signage. Asymmetrical signage can evoke a sense of movement or dynamism, aligning perfectly with businesses striving for an innovative and forward-thinking image.

For instance, imagine a pet store using an asymmetrical bone-shaped sign instead of the conventional rectangular design. This not only communicates the nature of the business in an instant but also creates intrigue and memorability.

As a local signage company, we understand the importance of aligning with these contemporary aesthetics. We've made it our mission to offer customizable signage options that cater to these evolving visual trends. Our goal is to enable businesses to showcase their brand with modern and visually captivating outdoor signage, allowing them to express their brand identity boldly and creatively.

By staying attuned to these visual trends, businesses can elevate their outdoor branding, making an impactful statement within their respective landscapes.

As we delve deeper into the intricacies of outdoor signage, it becomes evident that location and installation play a vital role in effective signage design.

Location and Installation: A Vital Aspect of Signage Design

Imagine decorating a cake with the most exquisite frosting, carefully detailing every corner only to place it in a dark corner where no one can see it. That's the same as creating a stunning sign for your business but not placing it where people can easily notice it. It's essential to consider the surroundings, visibility, and ease of viewing when deciding where to install outdoor signage.

When deciding on the best location for your outdoor sign, consider factors like foot traffic patterns, distance from the road, line of sight for drivers and pedestrians, and even the time of day when it will be seen most. It should "pop" and draw attention without being obtrusive. For instance, if it's too close to a busy intersection or pedestrian crossing, it may end up overlooked due to congestion.

An ideal location often strikes a balance between visibility and unobtrusiveness, ensuring that your sign is noticed without becoming an eyesore or distraction.

Moreover, knowing local laws and regulations about signage placement is crucial. They often dictate aspects such as sign size, setback requirements for roads or property lines, and lighting restrictions. Failure to comply with these regulations could result in costly fines or even demands to remove non-compliant signs.

For example, if you're designing an outdoor menu board for a restaurant, its location should be strategic, visible from the road but not blocking any entrance or window. This ensures that passing drivers and pedestrians can quickly glance at the menu without obstructing business operations.

Now, consider professional installation services as a crucial investment rather than an optional add-on. Proper installation ensures that your sign is firmly secured and won't succumb to harsh weather conditions. It also helps maintain its appearance over time. Choosing professional installation services reduces the risk of damage caused by improper mounting techniques or materials.

Professional installers possess the expertise and tools needed to get the job done right the first time. They know how to work with different types of surfaces, be it concrete, metal, wood, or glass, and understand how to secure signage without compromising its structural integrity.

These professionals also consider external factors such as wind load calculations for larger signs, ensuring that they remain stable during inclement weather. Plus, they meticulously handle electrical components if your sign includes illumination features, safeguarding against potential hazards.

In essence, strategic placement and proper installation are fundamental components of effective outdoor signage. By understanding these vital aspects of design, businesses can leverage their signs as powerful marketing assets that drive visibility and brand recognition.

Revolutionize your signage with Lightning Quick Signs, your go-to destination for eco-friendly solutions! Say goodbye to environmental concerns without compromising on quality or impact. Ready to make the switch? Contact us today at 228-467-1718 and let's create sustainable signage that leaves a lasting impression. Join us in building a greener future, one sign at a time, with Lightning Quick Signs!

The Advantages of LED Signs: How Illuminated Displays Can Help You Stand Out

As the market is growing exponentially, your competitors are also increasing in number every single day. A strong marketing game is essential to standing out and attracting more customers to your business. An essential marketing asset is signage.

Business signage lets people know about your brand presence in a particular place and your exclusive services in just one look. It is a summarized advertisement of your entire business. Thus, ensuring that you have top-notch visual branding technology is vital. And for that, nothing is more suitable than an illuminated display.

For years, companies relied on electric neon signs for illuminated advertising. Today's world has switched to a more sustainable and cost-effective alternative. Modern-day illuminated signage is made using Light Emitting Diodes, commonly known as LEDs. These offer a vast range of benefits and uses, making them a practical advertising strategy.

Advantages of LED

From being handy, accessible, and convenient to saving money and power, LED offers numerous advantages. Whether you're looking for high-end technology or need low-budget yet quality results, LED signs are the solution.


High efficiency also makes them a budget-friendly option that offers all-around convenience with easy installation techniques.

Low Energy Consumption

LED signs are energy-efficient, consuming 75% less energy than traditional neon signs. They do not overheat like other bulbs, providing more light than heat.


Another critical feature making LED signs an efficient alternative is their long lifespan. A high-quality LED bulb has the potential to last for 100,000 hours, whereas its competitors only last a few thousand hours. Moreover, LED signs easily retain their original brightness with proper care.

Customizable Content  

Your products and services are unique; your advertising also needs to be. LED is the best choice to bring versatility to your marketing display as it comes with a range of variations. Some of them are:

Light Customization: From white, red, and green to even RGB combinations, you can choose any color under the sun. Literally, LEDs are still extremely legible in daylight.

Text Customization: You also get the option to personalize text while making your brand's sign. There is no standard stencil giving you the freedom to be creative while curating your signage. You can choose your own font, style, size, language, etc.

Environmentally Friendly  

LEDs are an ecologically conscious alternative compared to other incandescent bulbs. There is no mercury in LED lights and they do not waste gases or release excessive UV rays like others. The low heat output makes them sustainable and eco-friendly.

Lightweight Design  

Neon lights are hefty and bulky. They need extra space as the glass tubes have to hold the neon gas. LED lights do not include this demand. They don't have tubes, are lightweight, and are thinner in size, which makes them easy to carry and place.

Low Maintenance  

LED signs require limited maintenance and can run for years untouched. There is no tube, so they are more durable. They are easy to clean and are okay in any weather condition.

Attractive and Appealing  

The most important advantage of LED display is their eye-catching and appealing look. There's no flickering or buzzing, just pure, bright, beautiful light. LED signs are brighter and more visible than traditional signs, making them easy to find and read from a distance.


LED's combination of durability and energy efficiency makes it a budget-friendly marketing option.

Mark of Prestige  

LED signage can also make your brand appear superior. Crafted illumination with tasteful lighting can elevate a brand’s image.

Brand Distinction  

In such an intensely competitive market, it is always a good idea to frame your marketing strategies in a way that makes your brand appear distinct. LED illumination offers features that can not only make you create a unique impression but also give your brand a sophisticated image.


LED lights can be applied to many advertising displays to enhance their appearance and quality. LED signs are often used to display information about a brand name, services, location, etc. You can utilize the benefits of LEDs in several different forms of advertising options to reach out to the maximum number of people:

Lighted Channel Letters  

These are similar to cabinet signs as they are also visible all through the day and night. LED lights illuminate each letter brightly, giving off light from the front or back of the letter. You can customize them to your preferences to get the best results.

Digital LED Display  

One of the most common uses of LED lights is in digital displays. LED signs can be used to display real-time information, such as traffic updates and weather forecasts. There are various customization options, such as moving animation, colors, and graphics, available to make it more impressive. You can also choose different resolutions if required.

Monument Signs  

The unique and creative monument signs are especially preferred by businesses as they appear more professional and artistic. These are also customizable to your personal preference. Using LEDs makes them more attractive, as people can easily see the monument signs on streets or roads.

Pylon and Wall Signage  

Pylon is another name given to the ‘freestanding signs’ that businesses use to display their branding outside their building. You can use LED lights to display special ads, discounts, or any other message. Wall signs are the cabinets or box signs that display the business name 24/7.

What Are You Waiting For?

When thinking about displaying a new brand advertisement or revamping an old company, LED displays are the most reasonable option. The unique features of LED lights are the best way to create a remarkable brand impression. They help you captivate people while saving money on maintenance and electricity.

LED illuminated signage is a feasible investment choice that offers excellent benefits for years to come. A perfectly bright, legible, and durable LED sign will help you shine all day and night. It also creates a classy brand impression by making your business' unique look stand out.

Call LQ Signs today to begin the process of introducing LEDs into your marketing mix. Our seemingly unlimited customization features will enable you to put your own stamp on your sign's design. Signage is your brand's first impression. Don’t compromise on it; announce your presence in a way that creates the best impression on your target audience.

5 Benefits of Using Led Lighting in Your Parking Lot

LQ Signs has helped businesses around Waveland, MS, with parking lot light installation for over 20 years. During this time, we have installed many parking lot lights. So we wrote this guide to help you determine whether it's worth getting LED lighting for your lot.

Keep reading to find the various reasons businesses (of any industry) should consider LED bulbs for their parking lot.

Benefits of Using Led Parking Lot Lights

The following sections will briefly cover solutions that LED parking lot lighting can offer your business.

1: Increases Visibility

LEDs can increase your parking lot's brightness and the range that customers and employees can see. Because of this, when wandering through the parking lot at night or during a graveyard shift, they can see potential dangers in the surrounding environment.

2: Energy Savings

LED Lighting uses up to 75% less energy than conventional lighting systems while generating higher quality light. They also last 25% longer than incandescent lighting. That is because these long-lasting bulbs use significantly fewer wattages than halogen, CFL, and incandescent lights.

An enormous (and obvious) advantage comes from this technology's reduction in energy consumption. However, since they are more efficient and cost-effective than their counterparts, they also have a longer life span.

3: Requires Fewer Fixtures

LED parking lot lights require fewer fixtures because they emit a higher level of light. This means that fewer fixtures are needed to provide the same illumination level as traditional incandescent lighting. This can lead to significant savings in both installation and maintenance costs.

4: Less Maintenance

You won't need as much maintenance when installing LED fixtures in your parking lot because the bulbs have a longer lifespan and offer much higher performance than older bulbs. You also won't have to worry about changing them often, saving you time and money.

5: Safer Parking Lots and More Security

You can strategically place your LEDs to make it significantly easier for people to watch for potential hazards. Avoiding these obstacles can reduce the chance of accidents happening.

Bright LED lighting also gives criminals fewer places to hide. That means your parking lot may experience fewer instances of vehicle break-ins.

FAQ: LED Parking Lot Lighting

Here are some frequently asked questions about installing LED light fixtures in parking lots.

Are There Any Drawbacks To Using Led Parking Lot Lighting?

The drawbacks of using LED lights in a parking lot are that they are more expensive to purchase and install than traditional lighting and require more maintenance. LED lights also produce more light pollution than conventional lighting, which can be a problem for businesses located near residential areas.

How Can LED Parking Lot Lighting Improve Safety and Security?

LED lots can improve your parking lot's safety in many ways. For one, the light is much brighter than traditional lighting, so it can help to illuminate dark areas where criminals might lurk.

Pick a Parking Lot Light Installation in Waveland Today

Installing LED fixtures in your parking lot can reduce electricity costs, reduce maintenance costs, and light spots where people would find themselves exposed in a dark parking lot.

But you will need a company that specializes in installing parking lot lights to help.

LQ Signs offers businesses in Waveland, MS, and the surrounding area an expansive selection of parking lot fixtures like:

Call 228-467-1718 to learn more about our fixture installation services today.

The Definitive Guide to Sign Maintenance and Repair

Over 54% of American consumers failed to find a business due to a couple of simple mistakes. They were either small or unclear.

When neglecting to maintain your business sign, that means a large number of customers may have a harder time finding your business. That’s why it is time for you to consider taking sign repair and maintenance seriously.

As you read through this guide, you will first learn whether you need to repair your sign. Afterward, you will find the different types of sign maintenance and repair services that sign suppliers may offer.

Signs Your Business Sign Needs Maintenance or Repairs

Your sign represents your brand. If you have a damaged sign or one with outdated information, what kind of message are you sending to customers?

Throughout this section, you will understand some signs to look out for to determine whether your business sign needs repairs or maintenance.

Outdated Messages

When operating a digital LED display to relay information to visitors, an outdated message can cause issues. Ensure your sign offers up-to-date information and has updated software. Otherwise, you may find yourself not optimizing your signage strategy.

Damaged Sections on Your Sign

Your sign may have broken panels, which could give customers a bad first impression of your business. It could also have electrical damage. This could lead to fires if you don’t address the issue sooner than later.

You could also have simpler damages that won’t threaten your business or customers. For example, chipped and cracked paint.

No matter what you need, you can contact a professional and have them fix your sign. Meanwhile, they can clean your signs to provide more visibility and prevent future damage.

Damaged Light Bulbs

Without light bulbs, customers may never find your sign at night, which could lead to a drop in sales. Or it could cost a life if you are an urgent care medical clinic.

Fixing a damaged light bulb is usually a simple fix. If you can’t do it yourself, see if any local sign manufacturers offer emergency services.

Types of Sign Repair

If your sign fits any of the above criteria, you will want to hire a professional. When searching for a service, you will need to know what you are looking for. Most sign vendors will offer sign maintenance services, but may not provide sign repair.

Because of this, you will need to research local companies.

What types of sign repair are available? This section will cover that, along with what you can expect when ordering these services.

Electrical Troubleshooting

Many external and internal business signs utilize electrical lighting. When these encounter issues, you will first need to diagnose your signs to find the issues.

That’s where electrical troubleshooting comes into play.

Working with electrical elements in your sign like wiring can prove to be dangerous. This is why you will need a licensed engineer.

When they arrive at your business, they will inspect your sign to see why it is not functioning properly. Afterward, they should let you know what type of issues you are facing and what steps they will need to perform to fix your sign.

Specific Sign Repairs

There isn’t a universal solution to fixing signs. If you have pylon signs, monument signs, or channel signs, you will want to find someone who specializes in those types of repairs.

Otherwise, you risk sign repair specialists not arriving with the right equipment. Pylon signs, for example, will require equipment that can safely lift the technician to your sign. Because these signs are usually mounted on poles.

When dealing with neon or channel letter signs, you will need to hire someone who understands how these types of signs work. It will also help to hire a specialist because they will know what type of features to install to extend your sign’s lifespan.

Commercial Repairs

Commercial sign repair offers basic services. For example, if you need to repair damaged lighting fixtures, a technician can help.

How so?

The professional will first arrive at your business and assess the cause of your problem. They will then consult you about your issue and discuss solutions and costs. Afterward, they will replace your fixture and make additional repairs. And finally, they will add features, if necessary, to mitigate future damage.

Is Your Sign Worth Maintaining?

If you’ve followed every tip for business sign maintenance and your sign isn’t attracting customers, you may want to consider upgrading.

Your sign may lack lighting. In that case, it may be time for you to consider adding it.

To optimize your branding, you will want to consider a new logo or using different colors. The color you use can subtly influence the way people feel about certain items, businesses, or topics.

Do you need business signs made with high-quality materials? Contact LQ Signs for a free quote and transform your business today. We also offer sign maintenance services around Waveland, Mississippi. That way, you can focus on growing your business.

6 Advantages of Pylon Signs

Pylon signs are an excellent way to draw customers to your business, especially if many shops are clustered together in a small area. They are a great way for your store to be seen from the distance. These are similar in appearance to monument signs, but much taller, which gives your business great visibility. They can be used if your building is difficult to see from the road or along major highways. Your pylon sign can be taller than your competitors' and seen by a wider audience.

These signs are bright and flashy and allow passersby to see everything about your product. Businesses such as supermarkets and gas stations, shopping centers, and other businesses that need maximum visibility will love pylon signs.

Below are some advantages of pylon signs for your advertising needs.

  1. Branding

A pylon sign offers you the opportunity to tailor your branding to perfection.

Working with a professional company can help ensure that the pylon sign matches the branding on the commercial property. This ensures that customers see the property in a consistent way. This could even be a way to encourage customers to stop by your store to see your product.

  1. Easy maintenance

Pylon signs are easy to maintain. Most pylon signs come with inserts. You can simply change these inserts whenever you want to update or replace the product that you are highlighting.

An LED digital sign option integrated into the pylon makes it even easier to update signs with all of the customizable options available.

  1. Save money

Save money and only invest in what is essential.

One of the advantages of pylon signs may be that they are most cost-effective advertising method and require minimal maintenance. They also cost less than billboards and other signs.

You don't need to worry about expensive maintenance because pillar signs are built to last.

Working with a professional can help you make smarter financial decisions and keep more money in your pocket.

  1. Optimize visibility

Do you want to stand out? You might consider advertising with a sign on a pole!

Pylon signs are easily placed at any location and at any height. They can be seen from almost any distance. An illuminated pylon sign can be used at night for nighttime visibility.

The purpose of pillar signs is to make sure your business stands out and remains at the forefront of customers' minds. Make your store stand out from the rest by using your sign.

If you own the building, pylon signs will increase the visibility of your property and business. Pylon signs will help customers find your businesses if they are hidden from the main drag.

A great sign design will make it easy for customers to find your store.

  1. Completely customizable

The best thing about pylon signs for your advertising purposes is their flexibility. You can customize them in any size, color, font, and many other settings. This allows you to customize the sign to match your company branding.

Keep in mind: creativity must not compromise the functionality of the sign. For example, a font that is easily read from a distance is the best. Backlighting can be used to improve your design. Make sure your pylon signs are customizable in a way that can be used in both the daytime and night.

  1. Curb appeal

It is possible to stand out among the crowd and convince potential customers to stop by your store to see your products if you incorporate pylon signs into an advertising strategy.

You can also use a pylon sign to advertise multiple products or services simultaneously to appeal to a wider range of customers. People will be more likely to visit your business if they have a greater understanding of the various aspects.

These are just a handful of the many advantages of pylon signs. Pylon signs are an innovative way to promote your business and can help you grow your business. Are you ready to get going? Contact Lightning Quick Signs today to learn more about the advantages of pylon signs, you can call us at 228-467-1718.