How to Identify, Prevent, and Repair Common Signage Wear and Tear Issues

Signage is an important component of any business or company. Over 70% of businesses in the U.S. use signage as a form of advertising and promotion. Not only does business signage help grab customers' attention, but it also serves as a brand identifier. It can be used to showcase products and services. Unfortunately, signage is subjected to regular wear and tear that can eventually lead to fading, cracking, or other issues that require repair or replacement. In this article, we will discuss how to identify, prevent, and repair common signage wear and tear issues.

Identifying Wear and Tear Issues

Identifying signage wear and tear problems can be tricky because these issues are often not visible to the naked eye. However, some common signs of signage damage can be easily identified, such as fading or cracking of the signage material. Additionally, poorly maintained signage may become discolored or otherwise degraded due to exposure to weather or sunlight.

Types of Damage to Be Aware Of

When inspecting signage for wear and tear, it is important to look out for signs of fading, cracking, discoloration, and other types of damage.


One of the common issues with signage wear and tear is fading. This is when the colors and graphics of the sign start to fade and become less distinct. This can happen over time from exposure to sunlight or other elements. It can also happen if the sign is not properly cared for.


Cracking can be identified by looking for small fractures or lines on the signage material. This happens when the material used to make the sign is of poor quality or the design needs to be better thought out. Over time, you can notice some missing letters, making it difficult for anyone to read. In some cases, the entire sign may need to be replaced.


Discoloration is another common signage wear and tear issue. This is when the sign's colors start to fade, making the image look dull and faded. This can be caused by exposure to the sun or lights, or simply from age.

Miscellaneous Damage

Other types of signage wear and tear may include peeling, flaking, or bubbling. Peeling can be identified by looking for areas on the signage where the material has come away from its backing. Flaking can be identified by small flakes of signage material coming off the surface. Bubbling is caused when moisture gets trapped behind signage and can be identified by looking for small bubbles.

Causes of Wear and Tear

There are many reasons why signage may suffer from wear and tear. One common reason is the use of incorrect or low-quality materials during production. For example, if a sign is made with cheap paint that fades easily in sunlight, it will need to be replaced more frequently than one made with high-quality, UV-resistant paint.

Another cause of wear and tear can be the location or placement of the sign. Suppose a sign is placed in an area where it will be exposed to harsh weather conditions or vandalism. In that case, it will likely need to be replaced more often than the one in a protected location.

Finally, the initial investment in the sign can also affect its lifespan. A cheaper, mass-produced sign will only last for a short time compared to a custom-made sign made with higher-quality materials.

Prevention Strategies For Wear and Tear

In order to prevent signage wear and tear, ensure that signage is properly maintained. This includes cleaning signage regularly, as dirt, dust, and other debris can accumulate on signage over time. Additionally, signage should be inspected regularly for any signs of damage or color dullness. If weather conditions are regularly an issue in the area, it may also be beneficial to use signage materials that are designed to withstand exposure to elements such as wind, rain, and UV rays.

Repairing Wear and Tear

If signage is already damaged, there are a few ways to repair signage wear and tear issues. Signage can be patched or painted for minor issues such as fading or cracking to help conceal the damage. For more severe cases of damage, the signage may need to be replaced entirely.

Cost of Replacing Damaged Signage

The cost of replacing signage can vary depending on the size and material of the signage. Generally speaking, smaller signage pieces may cost anywhere from $50 to $100 to replace, while larger signage pieces can range upwards of $500 or more.

Signage wear and tear is a common issue that all business owners should be aware of. By taking the time to identify, prevent, and repair signage wear and tear issues, businesses can ensure their signage remains in good condition for years to come. With the right maintenance, signage can serve as an important tool for advertising and helping customers find their way.

Take Help From the Experts!

If you're running a business, then you know that signage is important. It's one of the first things customers see when they visit your store or office, and it can make a big impression. But over time, wear and tear can take its toll on your signs. They can become cracked, broken, or loose, and if you don't take care of them, they'll start to look bad. That's why it's a good idea to get help from experts before your signage wear and tear issue becomes severe.

LQ Signs has the equipment and experience to fix your signs quickly and efficiently. Our professionals will give you some great ideas on how to prevent future damage. Investing in professional help now will save you money in the long run. So if your signs are starting to show their age, don't wait until they're in bad shape. Call us today and get the help you need!